
Alla neredu pandu in english
Alla neredu pandu in english

alla neredu pandu in english

Few we know in english and few in telugu. Ravi kumar 1 month ago - Shared publicly Nice to see all fruits at one place. Thanks A lot for your valuable contribution.May God Bless You.amen 1 George J 4 weeks ago - Shared publicly Excellent Collection. Shruthi shravan 3 days ago - Shared publicly Can you give us translation for Kiwi fruit in telugu? 1 RESHLOK'S ETHNI… Add a comment as NAGA VARAPRASAD PUPPALA Note: Pictures of the above fruits are collected from different web sites through google search. Ma Badam/ Jallaru Pandu ( ీమ బ దం/ జల ర పండ ) 23Ĥ2 Tender Palm Thati Munjelu ( RESHLOK'S ETHNI… Names of Indian Fruits in English & Telugu July 28, 2010 RESHLOK'S ETHNI… RESHLOK'S ETHNIC FOOD & CULTUREĬollection of Indian and International healthy recipes & Indian culture Home Per day, please consult your doctor for an opinion.Names of Indian Fruits in English & Telugu However, if you are taking more than one product Generally, this product goes well with most This medicine be continued while taking supplements like multivitamin tablets, This product does not react with homeopathic medicine. Interaction with medicines, supplementsĬan this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine? Astringent and styptic, hence used in quick wound healing, in diarrhea, menorrhagia etc where the bleeding or extra flow needs to be stopped. Overall, you need to remember these two main usage of jamun –Ģ. Powder – 3- 6 grams in divided doses per day.

alla neredu pandu in english

It causes constipation, improves taste perception and promotes digestion. Pharmacological activitiesĪnti pyretic Qualities as per Bhojana KutuhalamĪccording to Bhojana Kutuhalam, Jamun is astringent and sweet in taste, it helps in treating fatigue, vitiation of pitta, burning sensation, throat pain and cures worm infestation, dyspnoea, diarrhoea, cough etc. It is useful in the treatment of overactive bladder. Vishtambhi – producer of wind in abdomen, causes bloating Jāmbavaṃ kaphapittaghnaṃ grāhi vātakaraṃ param||140|| – Charaka Sutrasthana 27 Kaṣāyamadhuraprāyaṃ guru viṣṭambhi śītalam| Rochana – improves taste, useful in anorexia Vishtambhini – causes constipation, useful in diarrhea and dysentery Shwasa – Asthma, COPD, wheezing, breathing difficulty Pittahara, Dahahara – balances Pitta and its symptoms like burning sensation. Grahi – absorbent, useful in malabsorption syndrome and diarrhea Vipaka (taste conversion after digestion) – Katu (pungent)Įffect on Tridosha – It increases Vata but balances Kapha and Pitta. Guna (qualities) – Laghu (light to digest), Rooksha (dry) Rasa (Taste) – Kashaya (astringent), Madhura (sweet), Amla (sour) Seeds contain gallic acid, oxalic acid, citric acid Medicinal qualities Quercitin, beta sitosterol, gallo tannin, eugenin Seed- Single, endospermic Phytoconstituents Leaf – Simple, opposite, stalked, 10- 14 cm long, petiolate, exstipulate with reticulate venation, gland dottedįlower – White, small, crowded, on inflorescence, inferior ovaryįruit – Berry, succulent, globose, dark purple Stem – Erect, woody, branched, thick, solid, cylindrical with grey bark Ni – Jambu, Mahajambu, Kaka jambu, Bhumi jambu Morphology Sushruta and Vagbhata – Nyagrodhadi group of herbs.

alla neredu pandu in english

Pureeshavirajaneeya – Group of herbs that are used to restore normal colour of fecesĬhardinigrahana – Group of herbs that are used to treat vomiting Mutrasangrahaniya – Group of herbs that cause urine retention

Alla neredu pandu in english