
Global trending news
Global trending news

global trending news

Watch the full interview, or read a condensed and edited transcript. protectionism, and the economic impacts of U.S.-China competition.

global trending news

The two discussed the global economic outlook, but also spent time examining the state of Russia’s economy, the dollar’s strength, accusations of U.S. The Straits Times - Get latest breaking news, business, sports, lifestyle, tech & multimedia and more news in Singapore, Asia & rest of the world at. treasury secretary from 1999 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton. Summers has held top jobs at the World Bank, the National Economic Council, and was U.S. It projects global growth could slow to just 2.8 percent this year.įP’s Ravi Agrawal sat down with the renowned economist Larry Summers, a former president of Harvard University. Show more meeting was stark: The IMF warned of an “anemic outlook” for the global economy amid rising interest rates, stubborn inflation, and Russia’s war in Ukraine.

global trending news

(Photo by KEVIN LAMARQUE / POOL / AFP) (Photo by KEVIN LAMARQUE/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)Įconomic policymakers from around the globe traveled to Washington this week for the annual spring convening of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.

global trending news

COP26, running from October 31 to Novemin Glasgow, will be the biggest climate conference since the 2015 Paris summit and is seen as crucial in setting worldwide emission targets to slow global warming, as well as firming up other key commitments. President Joe Biden (L) delivering a speech as they attend a meeting focused on action and solidarity at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, on November 1, 2021. Climate Adviser John Kerry (R) listens to U.S. A former editor of FP’s Shadow Government page, Kahl will join editor in chief Ravi Agrawal for an in-depth conversation about the country’s defense and foreign-policy priorities. undersecretary of defense for policy, is tasked with building and planning U.S. deterrence capabilities in traditional military areas while also racing to develop capacity in emerging technologies such as cyber and artificial intelligence?Ĭolin Kahl, the U.S. Show more the White House prioritize managing various risks? How is it strengthening U.S. The Biden administration has faced a range of national security challenges in the last two years, from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to the growing challenge represented by China.

Issue briefs and other publications in the World Trends Report series offer additional insights into new and evolving challenges in the field of freedom of expression and media development.Only FP subscribers can submit questions for FP Live interviews. The Global Report, published every four years since 2014, provides a macro-level perspective that informs UNESCO Member States, international organizations, civil society groups, academia, and individuals seeking to understand the changing global media landscape. The World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development series analyses trends in media freedom, pluralism, independence, and the safety of journalists. In order to effectively respond to these urgent challenges, we must first understand them. The global community must act swiftly to protect and promote press freedom and public access to free, independent, and pluralistic news media. Independent journalism is in peril, faced with the erosion of business models, increasing crackdowns on press freedom, and ongoing threats against the safety of journalists. Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs.

Global trending news